
Showing posts from November, 2021

Anti-war and not showing up on mainstream news

 One of the main reason's that it might not show up on mainstream news is mostly because it might seem extremely radical to anyone who just takes a surface glance at it. I mean the anti-war website looks very cluttered and old, like this literally looks like it's a decade out of place. Though they have very legitimate info on here, the amount of info here is insane and not all of it is about America. The other reason that it may not appear on the news is that it might not seem marketable to the average individual, why do you think you see terrible things commonly on things like Fox News or CNN, it's because it gets the views which equal money which is the main goal of every news or media corporation in the world. I hate to say it, but wars can get those desired views that they want so much. Reporting is more based on clicks and views nowadays which is terribly sad, they aren't there to tell info or fight for a belief that they truly believe. 

The Supreme court

One thing that I didn't know before is how many justices are in the supreme court at a time, from what I read there were about 6 at first and then as time went on we got more and more. Now, these days we have a total of 9 justices in the supreme court and they apparently switch out as often as every 2 years. The most important takeaway is the fact that The supreme court is at the topic of the food chain, they have the say over most of everything, even what the president says. The most surprising thing that I learned is just how often people switch out of the supreme court. You would think they would stay in office for a considerable amount more than a few years. It just seems like a close to permanent placement simply because of how they are selected. The video really didn't change that much about how I thought about the court, It mostly just reinforced what I thought about them. It just seemed like a group of the best of the best that are from all around the country. 

5 sources for news

 5 sources for news that I use 1. The first one that I usually use is simply the news on the TV. I'd usually just turn on fox or something and see what's going on for that current day. Though I don't have any link for this source of news, you can simply turn on the TV and go to fox News pretty easily nowadays. They do have a website, go to to find out more! 2. My 2nd source is google news, a very simple and broad one yet it does give a lot of info. Sometimes I check on it when I have nothing better to do at the moment. Even in class we usually check it every day before we get to doing work. It's also location-relevant, here's a link go ahead and check what's going on in your area! 3. Next up is the built-in apple news that comes with all Apple mobile devices. Periodically, it will give me notifications about the current news. You can also check it very easily by going t