The Supreme court

One thing that I didn't know before is how many justices are in the supreme court at a time, from what I read there were about 6 at first and then as time went on we got more and more. Now, these days we have a total of 9 justices in the supreme court and they apparently switch out as often as every 2 years. The most important takeaway is the fact that The supreme court is at the topic of the food chain, they have the say over most of everything, even what the president says. The most surprising thing that I learned is just how often people switch out of the supreme court. You would think they would stay in office for a considerable amount more than a few years. It just seems like a close to permanent placement simply because of how they are selected. The video really didn't change that much about how I thought about the court, It mostly just reinforced what I thought about them. It just seemed like a group of the best of the best that are from all around the country.