The age of AI

 There was a surprising amount of things that I learned that honestly surprised me a lot more than I thought they would. People's view's on technology surprised me simply because of fearful some people really were of technology. There was literally a guy who said that he would be genuinely surprised if machines didn't rise to power and kill us all, which a nice and bleak outlook on things. I like the idea of humans integrating with technology, it would make a lot of sense as well, humans are known for using tools and why not put those tools inside of us essentially making us the tool. Though that would greatly rid of a lot of our current weaknesses, I think that it would create new weaknesses that other humans can use to exploit each other. Once we would integrate this said technology, we would be weak to things like hacking that other humans can use to exploit each other. It would also be extremely expensive and would take a lot of knowledge to streamline this said technology. I think the idea of using this technology is very smart but would take work to iron out the problems that human integration would bring up, and also a lot of people would probably just be scared of putting AI technology in them.