Final Blog

 Final Post

    Throughout my whole life, I've had a very important and strong relationship with technology. I play a lot of games and game design is something that I'm majoring in at the moment. I think that the current relationship that we technology right now, as a whole, is a very healthy and important one that I think we should always use to our fullest power. There are many, many things that technology helps us with a lot. One of the main things that technology does for us is medical related. We need technology so that we can check the BPM of someone's heartbeat and their blood pressure which is something that we take for granted nowadays. To check heartbeat all you have to do is put a tiny little machine on their pointer finger and it will simply display and numerical value on a tiny screen. We can literally keep someone from dying by using a machine that is in every single hospital in the world. Besides medical, there are many other ways we use technology.

    We can use technology to communicate in many ways that were impossible only 100 years ago. To say hello to a friend all you have to do is type something out and press send. This allows us to communicate with people that are states away with a large amount of simplicity. This was extremely hard to do a long time to go, taking days and even weeks to exchange info. Now, these days, it takes only a few seconds, and even when you have terrible internet you can still send something in only minutes. This allows for some people to even live their entire social life through the internet. Now we get to the point, is this kind of relationship healthy for us humans.

    When it comes to talking about how healthy said relationship is, it entirely comes down to each person and how much they use technology. A lot of people use things like social media in tandem with their real life. They might spend 8 hours every day staring at their screen and trying to get the most likes while putting up a facade to make friends while deceiving everyone they know. This is extremely unhealthy, a lifestyle like this would be mentally taxing and would make you physically unhealthy Now if you were to use social media 1 hour a day to watch videos or to maybe put your image out there so that companies may see it, then I'd say that is pretty health. Using social media to improve your real life is very helpful as well as using it less would make it a very healthy relationship.

    In conclusion, I think a lot of people like to have a negative outlook on our relationship with technology. Though I think that we have a relationship that is very strong and allows for us to continuously evolve when it comes to things like communication. We should have a very positive outlook on this power that we will be able to discover and keep using every day of our life because without it we would lose so much progress that we had made over the many years